1st June 2024
Owner: Dave Wragg
Date: 17 May 2011 07:45
Duration: 18 Hrs 45 mins
Location: The Lothian Tornado Trip

Hauled from Sheffield to York & return by 67005, then 71000 Duke of Gloucester to Edinburgh, but due to the water pressure being too low in filling the tender 71000 was assisted to Tyne Yard by 66056 making us two & a half hours late - long day.

Preserved Diesel Loco
Electric Loco
Preserved Steam Loco
Not Recognised

08472 - Doncaster

37427 - Tyne Yard

66056 assisting 71000 at Berwick

66099 - Edinburgh Waverley

66185 - Tyne Yard

66428 - York

67003 - Newcastle

67005 at Sheffield

67005 - York

67007 - Edinburgh Waverley

67030 & 67007 - Edinburgh Waverley

67030 - Edinburgh Waverley

71000 - York

90026 - Edinburgh Waverley

91116 & 91122 - Doncaster

158728 & 170402 - Edinburgh Waverley

158740 - Edinburgh Waverley