6th June 2024
Owner: David Kennedy
Date: 15 Feb 2020 12:00
Duration: off and on
Location: Newport ,ADJ,East Usk. (Steve).

66510.66549,66559,66952. Crewe-Stoke Gifford.
66006,66088,66150,66181,66206 Margam-Westbury-Eastleigh.
66011 66041,66078,66085,60044 Alexandria Dock Jn.
70020 Wentloog-Stoke Gifford.
66097 Margam-Lianwern.
66074 +66098 Deemarsh -Margam.
60054 Murco Tanks.
60066 Ran out of fuel on Tanks at East Usk.Had to be rescued by 60044.
66622 Hayes -East Usk.(Again).